quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2016


Ontem o Nelson apareceu com a boquinha aberta e a linguinha para fora.
Yesterday Nelson appeared with the mouth open and tongue out.

Descobri que o canino dele estava "deitado" e ele não conseguia mais comer.
I found that the canine tooth it was "lying" and he could no longer eat.

A causa disso era que o dente estava bem estragado e ele pode ter levado uma pancada.
Levei ele na veterinária, ele ficou internado, ontem retirou o canino direito e o dente de baixo que estava ruim também.
Hoje busquei meu filho, trouxe ele para casa e aparentemente ele está bem. Os manos o receberam bem e agora ele está comendo dieta pastosa geladinha para não doer e será medicado por quatro dias.

The cause of this was that his tooth was very spoiled.
I took him in the veterinary and he was hospitalized. He removed the right canine and the lower tooth that was bad too.
Today I looked for my son, brought him home and apparently he's okay. Their brothers received him very well. Now he's eating cold gruel to not hurt and will be medicated for four days.

 - Quero ver se está tudo em ordem aqui!
- I want to see if everything is in order here!

- Podem me cheirar. Eu deixo!
- You can smell me. I allow!

- Humana, minha comida!
- Human, my food now!

- Muito obrigada escrava.
- Thank you slave.

Feliz Páscoa!!
Happy Easter!
8 Comentários

8 comentários:

  1. Nelson, we are sorry, we know that had to hurt...but at least the bad tooth is gone, so now you can eat....oh...PIES !!! Happy Easter to everyone ♥♥♥

  2. Nelson, that is great that you are better. Glad the Mom took you to the vet. Happy Easter to you too.

  3. Poor Nelson, I hope you make a quick recovery from your painful tooth.
    Happy Easter!

  4. We are sure sorry you had to go through that Nelson but you will feel so much better soon. We love that Bunny Mom photo!

  5. Poor Nelson! We are glad he is okay now.

    Happy Easter!

  6. Querido, te deixaram banguela!
    Fico contente que agora tu estás te recuperando e não vai mais
    sentir dor e vai continuar comendo pra manter este corpitcho fofo!!
    Feliz Páscoa pra vocês!

  7. Ownnnnn....que dó !!!!!
    Espero que você já tenha melhorado Nelson !!!!
    Um miau da Frida

  8. Nelson, we hope your were able to feel much better. Looks like you all are having such fun together. Thanks for sharing the wonderful post. Have a fantastic rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals

